5th Annual “A Union of Golden Hearts”

On Friday, May 30, 2014, MVNCI once again attended Jessica Tran’s annual charity event, “A Union of Golden Hearts”!  Read about the 2013 Court’s experience here.   Jessica hosts the event annually through the Golden Hearts non-profit organization to raise money to support academically motivated, but financially disadvantaged kids in grades K-12 in Southeast Asian countries.  The event is a sit-down dinner where guests can enjoy a variety of entertainment, and have the opportunity to win raffles prizes and partake in live auctions — all to raise funds to support Golden Hearts’ mission.  The theme this year was “Light a Dream One Child...

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2014 Asian American Women’s Alliance Awards Banquet

On Friday, May 9, 2014, MVNCI Court Members were once again invited  to attend the Asian American Women’s Alliance (AAWA) Awards Banquet, which was hosted at the Crowne Plaza in Milpitas this year!  The event is annually held to honor outstanding Asian American students and professionals, and to celebrate their achievements by presenting them with scholarship and recognition awards.  Read about the 2013 Court Members’ experience last year here.  Since purple was the event’s theme color this year, we all planned to wear purple/lavender evening gowns to show our support.  Our first duty upon arriving was to greet guests and direct them...

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Autumn Moon Festival 2012

Miss Vietnam of Northern California Intercollegiate will be co-hosting various entertainment activities for the annual Hoi Tet Trung Thu (The Autumn Moon Festival) with the Vietnamese American Community Center, which will be held on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds on Tully Rd in San Jose.  Hoi Tet Trung Thu will gather a collective amount of entertainments, fair booths, carnival rides, lion/dragon dance performances, and much more.  The main attraction/highlight though will be the lantern parade for the children to enjoy.  Entrance tickets are $6/person with free parking in the Monterey Rd parking lot, with free lanterns...

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SJSU VSA Culture Show

SJSU VSA had an amazing show this year, showcasing their skit filled with witty humors and scores of musical number.  SJSU VSA has been around for 34 years and has always strived to be involved with the vietnamese community through Vietnamese culture promotions and perseverance.  For the first time, HKLT courts, past contestants and potential contestants had the opportunity to collaborate alongside with SJSU VSA through Kevin Truong’s Ao Dai fashion presentation segment.  We thank SJSU VSA and Kevin Truong for the fun-filled experience and we look forward to working with everyone again on future projects.  Last, but not least,...

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UOP VSA 2012 Cultural Show

UOP held their annual VSA Cultural Show on April 1, 2012 at the beautiful and luxurious Fayes Spanos Concert Hall.  Their theme, “Hai The Ky Mong Cho/ Two Centuries of Waiting,” reflects on the growth and changes in Vietnam’s history through the story of a man who wants to be together with his lover again.  HKLT and Miss Vietnam Sacramento were able to participate in the fashion show alongside with other UOP VSA students, staffs, and volunteers.  HKLT Queen Thi Vu, Miss Congeniality Vivian Vo, and First Princess Kim Huynh came to watch and support the show.  UOP VSA put on a worthwhile show with countless talented singers, dancers, and...

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