July Community Service – Vietnamese Concert & Community Health Fair

photocrati galleryPhoto credits: James Vu and Charlie Duong

Written by: Jullianne Pham, Miss Social 2016

On Saturday July 23, 2016; Jullianne, Alex, Quan, Y, and Savannah volunteered at the Vietnamese Concert and Community Health Fair that was hosted by Stanford University’s Asian Liver Center (ALC) at Milpitas High School. The event was hosted and led by the ALC to bring awareness about the prevalent issue of hepatitis B to the Vietnamese-American community by bringing in famous Vietnamese singer Thanh Lan and the Congressman Mike Honda office.

Jullianne arrived at Milpitas High School at 9AM to help set up the venue. Game booths, signs, the welcome banner, and outside decor were set up along the entrance to the community fair. Streamers, balloons, the photobooth backdrop, the stage backdrop, and the Asian Liver Center table was set up inside the gym in preparation for the Vietnamese concert. After set up was finished, all of the volunteers were given catered lunch by Blooms Catering. Alex, Y, Quan, and Savannah arrived just in time to eat!

Once the program started Alex, Y, Quan, and Savannah were assigned to their booths. Alex and Y helped with the face painting booth with the ALC Lead Intern, Quan and Savannah helped with the bean bag toss booth with another ALC Lead Intern, and Jullianne helped facilitate the event and the Asian Liver Center table with the other ALC Interns. The Royal Court also had a chance to decorate their own Jade Ribbon cut-out to paste onto the Pledge Mural–a mural where individuals could pledge to #JOINJADE and help raise awareness about hepatitis B in the Asian American community. In addition to the general public participating in the booths that the ladies volunteered at, they also handed out raffle tickets to families. The raffle tickets were used in the drawing of Asian Liver Center swag bags and gift cards to Palo Alto Hair Salon International. As the event started to end around 5PM, the ladies helped clean up the venue by taking down the game booths, tables, outside decor, welcome banner, and signs.

Participating at the Asian Liver Center’s Vietnamese Concert & Community Health Fair educated the Royal Court about the unspoken issues of hepatitis B in the Vietnamese community. If you would like to learn more about Stanford’s Asian Liver Center’s #JOINJADE campaign, please visit: liver.stanford.edu/

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