2014 Asian American Women’s Alliance Awards Banquet

On Friday, May 9, 2014, MVNCI Court Members were once again invited  to attend the Asian American Women’s Alliance (AAWA) Awards Banquet, which was hosted at the Crowne Plaza in Milpitas this year!  The event is annually held to honor outstanding Asian American students and professionals, and to celebrate their achievements by presenting them with scholarship and recognition awards.  Read about the 2013 Court Members’ experience last year here.  Since purple was the event’s theme color this year, we all planned to wear purple/lavender evening gowns to show our support.  Our first duty upon arriving was to greet guests and direct them to the registration tables.  We were more than thrilled to take pictures with guests and to explain about MVNCI to those who were curious!  

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Photo c/o of Kim Nguyen; Court Members with AAWA President Dawn Chu and Staff Member Mindy Chu
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Photo c/o Kim Nguyen; Court Members with 2010 MVNCI 1st Princess Kim Nguyen
As the evening program began, we were treated to a variety of entertainment as we ate dinner, such as a modern ballroom dance performance.  Later on in the evening, Court Members were asked to help sell raffle tickets to guests for an opportunity to win special prizes later in the evening.  It was inspiring to see so many guests in attendance show their support for this organization; it speaks volumes to their great contributions to the community.  It was equally inspiring to hear about the accomplished award winners of the night!
Just like the previous year, a cultural fashion show was put on to showcase different Asian cultural outfits.  Countries represented that night included Vietnam, China, Burma, India, South Korea, and Japan.  Court Members were also asked to participate in this entertainment segment for the night.  We didn’t know what country we would be representing until the day of.  It  was decided that Christina, Mandy, and Cindy would represent Vietnam, while I would represent China.  Each of us was teamed up with a partner who also wore a corresponding cultural outfit to walk the stage together.  Coincidentally, all of the Court Members’ cultural outfits happened to share colors of red!
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Photo c/o Kim Nguyen
The most exciting part of the night happened when MVNCI was asked to be interviewed by Vietoday Television, who was there to cover the event.  Mandy was bestowed the honor to speak on behalf of MVNCI about the AAWA event and she rocked it (!!!) as we stood beside her for support.


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Photo c/o of Kim Nguyen
MVNCI Court had a great time at the 2014 AAWA Awards Banquet and were fortunate to have met so many wonderful people that night.  We are grateful for the opportunity to partake in such an honorable event!  AAWA’s mission to support Asian American women through professional and personal growth closely aligns with MVNCI’s own mission, and we are more than pleased to support this event every year.  To learn more about the AAWA organization and their scholarship opportunities, please visit them at http://www.aawalliance.com/.

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