MVNCI 2013 Coronation & Charity Gala

Photos courtesy of Jet Martell and Leo Nguyen. The 2013 Coronation and Charity Gala took place on May 5, 2013. Coronation was a jam-packed evening recognizing the Miss Vietnam of Northern California Intercollegiate 2013 Court.  Not only was the event about officially crowning the new court, but it was also a charity gala;  MVNCI partnered with United Vietnamese Student Associations of Northern California (UVSA) to raise funds for the charity Medical, Educational Missions and Outreach (M.E.M.O.) that assists rural villages and orphanages in Vietnam by providing monetary donations and free health clinics.  The Court members spent weeks preparing for the...

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Black April Commemoration – Remembering The Fall of Saigon

04/30/1975 – 04/30/2013 It was an honor for MVNCI to be a part of the 38th Black April Commemoration – Remembering The Fall of Saigon that took place back at the end of April. The event was hosted by the Vietnamese American Roundtable organization at San Jose City Hall. This ceremony is an annual event in many Vietnamese and Vietnamese-American communities around the world, as it  In holding the current Miss Ao Dai title with the Pageant, I was able to be even more engaged with the event itself as one of the community speakers. As a community speaker, I was tasked...

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