Coronation Donations – Valley Children’s Hospital

Written by: Savannah Pham, 1st Princess 2016 On Saturday, December 3rd, Quan, Alex, Jullianne, and I volunteered at the Valley Children’s Hospital located in Madera. Previously at our coronation in May, we collected donations for the hospital by auctioning off different items as well as holding a raffle for guests in attendance. When we arrived, we donated the $1300 we had raised, which hospital staff were greatly appreciative of. We then had the opportunity to play with children in the hospital’s playroom. Since the holiday season was quickly approaching, we decided to teach the children how to make a piece of...

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October Community Service – VietAYA’s MAYS

Written by: Savannah Pham, 1st Princess 2016 Photo Credits: Tuan Anh Nguyen On Sunday October 23rd, Quan, Alex, Jullianne, and I volunteered in San Jose for the MAYS (Mid-Autumn Youth Summit) workshop, held by the Vietnamese-American Youth Association. This workshop was hosted for high school students, mainly those in their local high school Vietnamese Student Associations who were rising leaders. To start off the day after introducing ourselves, we asked the students to introduce themselves and their schools so we could learn more about them. Then, Quan and I led an icebreaker to encourage active listening; as active listening is...

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August Community Service – Veggielution

Written by: Savannah Pham, 1st Princess 2016 On Saturday, August 6th, Quan, Alex, and I had the pleasure of volunteering our time at Veggielution, located in San Jose. Veggielution is a six-acre community farm that provides a unique opportunity for volunteers like ourselves to learn about growing food. As a community farm, the organization distributes its crops at low costs or free to the community. Veggielution is very conscious about its impact on the community and distributes its crops through a myriad of ways such as their Farm Stand, volunteer give-aways, and soup kitchen donations. That morning Quan, Alex, and...

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Pageant Experience: Savannah Pham- First Princess

On pageant day, my alarm went off at 6 a.m. I awoke slightly disoriented, having tossed and turned throughout the night. I went to my hair and makeup appointment and my artist did an incredible job. However, she had not taken into account the length of my hair, so she didn’t end up finishing until 9:40. I was so worried about arriving late and losing points. By the time my sister dropped me off at the theater, I ran over to where the other girls were standing. “You made it just in time!” they shouted. I looked at my phone....

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