Pageant Day Experience: Cathy – 2nd Princess

According to my past experiences, the final days leading up to pageant felt a lot like waiting in line for a roller coaster ride, or waiting to be called into the surgery room get your wisdom teeth extracted using only local anesthesia.  There have been times in instances like these in which I have been tempted to back out (and believe me, I have escaped from the oral surgeon’s waiting room before; long story, but it explains why I still have 2 wisdom teeth left!).  This time, I knew I was in line for one of those moments in life...

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MVNCI Recruitment Events

Wow, pageant season is just around the corner! (WOOT!) Are you excited? I AM!!! (: Just a few weeks ago, we hosted our first recruitment event for MVNCI 2014 at Sweet Orchid in Fremont, CA. It was great to see everyone come out! Missed our first recruitment event? Don’t frown! We’re hosting another recruitment event in November! Date to be announced!

Becoming Queen of MVNCI 2013

Photos courtesy of Moses Sison, Kim Nguyen, Todd Fong Photography, David L. Pham, Vu Cong Hien, and Vinh Tran. Miss Vietnam of Northern California Intercollegiate 2013 was the very first pageant I ever attended, let alone participate in.  On pageant day, the Campbell Heritage theater was abuzz with activity.  Stage crew and other performers were scattered in the hallways and at the wings of the stage, dressing rooms had clothes and heels tossed about, helpers assisted with wardrobe changes, and thirteen other beautiful young ladies hurriedly fixed each other’s makeup and hair, ate whenever there was a break, or sat quietly reflecting on...

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Miss Vietnam Of Northern California Intercollegiate 2013

Sunday, March 3rd, was a life changing experience. I, Cao My Ngan, was lucky enough to be crowned 1st Princess 2013 for Miss Vietnam Northern California Intercollegiate. Preparing for this event was extremely exhausting but completely worth all my time and effort. After getting my makeup and hair ready for the big day, I set out for the Campbell Heritage Theater. I was impressed by how magnificent the theater was, and I started to finally feel my nerves kick in. It was really happening and there were only a few more hours until the show started. The contestants and I prepped...

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What Makes MVNCI Unique?

So what makes the Miss Vietnam of Northern California Intercollegiate experience different and how does the organization benefit the community/the world?  There are a handful of beauty pageants out there, all with different goals and purposes, but what distinct MVNCI from the pack truly relies on what our contestants learn and take away with after pageant ends. Aside from the usual practices to perfect dance, talk, and walk choreographies, MVNCI offer contestants workshops to sharpen skills that not only help contestants gain confidence to impress judges, but can also apply to their lives outside of pageant.  Our workshops vary year...

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