Annual MVNCI Reunion

Written by: Alexandra Huynh, Miss Entrepreneur 2016 Every year, MVNCI holds a reunion for current and past title holders, contestants, and staff members. This year, we held our reunion at Shincha Tea in San Jose on January 15. Quan, Savannah, Jullianne and I had a wonderful time mingling with with everyone. It was so nice seeing old faces and meeting new ones. We had past contestants, previous court members, and volunteers come to snack and hang out with us. The tables were covered with different teas, toppings, and snacks. By the end of our reunion, all of the food was devoured!...

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June Community Service: Sacred Heart

Written by: Alexandra Huynh, Miss Entrepreneur 2016 On June 25, 2016, Quan, Savannah, Y, Jullianne, and I donated clothes and volunteered at Sacred Heart Community Service in San Jose. This charity provides resources and services to poor working families such as clothes, food, parenting classes, and preschool education. Prior to the volunteer date, we gathered clothes from our families and friends. We sorted them out in different categories so that it would be easier for the closet to organize. Before our shift started, we brought them to the Sacred Heart Clothes Closet. Thanks to all of our friends and family, we were able to donate...

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March Community Service: Berryessa Community Park

Written by: Alexandra Huynh, Miss Entrepreneur 2016 On May 29th, Rei, Y, Jullianne, Savannah and I went to Penitencia Creek Park and the Berryessa Community Center in San Jose to pick up trash. At 10AM, we met up at my house to leave our personal belongings there, to get gloves and garbage bags, and to carpool to the park. When we arrived at Penitencia, we realized that we had a lot of work ahead of us when we saw how big the park was. The trail was four miles long! Jullianne and Savannah held the garbage bags while Rei, Y, and I...

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Open post

Pageant Experience: Alexandra Huynh- Miss Entrepreneur

Going into this pageant, I had no idea of what to expect. I joined to get out of my comfort zone and to meet new people; I just wanted to do something different. Little did I know, this whole experience would change my life. From the Meet and Greet, I was able to meet all of the other contestants, the director, Jessica, and the 2014 Court. Everyone was so nice, but everything became serious when we went over all of the guidelines and competition. I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me. I was determined to exceed...

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