Wow, pageant season is just around the corner! (WOOT!) Are you excited? I AM!!! (: Just a few weeks ago, we hosted our first recruitment event for MVNCI 2014 at Sweet Orchid in Fremont, CA. It was great to see everyone come out! Missed our first recruitment event? Don’t frown! We’re hosting another recruitment event in November! Date to be announced!
Category: Thao Huynh
Asian American Women’s Alliance (AAWA) Annual Banquet
On the evening of April 20th, MVNCI 2013 Court members had the privilege and honor to participate in the Asian American Women’s Alliance Scholarship & Recognition Awards Annual Banquet. The Asian American Women’s Alliance, or AAWA, was founded in August 1996 and is a volunteer-based, non-profit 501(c)3 organization. The mission of AAWA is to establish an alliance of members dedicated to building support among Asian American women in all walks of life through professional and personal growth. AAWA seeks to create opportunities for mutual learning & nurturing, mentor relationships, career & leadership development, personal & group support, and engagement in...
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June Community Service: FAME – Fashion Art Music Exhibition
Raising Awareness – Human Trafficking What is FAME? It stands for “Fashion Art Music Exhibition” and is a bi-annual event in San Jose that showcases artists’ work of fashion, art, and music in a one-day exhibition and fashion show. At this year’s event, MVNCI was fortunate to partner with Pacific Links Foundation (PALS) as exhibitors to spread awareness about human trafficking. What is human trafficking? It is the trade in humans for sexual slavery or forced labor; it is modern day slavery. Sadly, it is a lucrative industry that finds profit in many countries around the world including Vietnam and...
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Black April Commemoration – Remembering The Fall of Saigon
04/30/1975 – 04/30/2013 It was an honor for MVNCI to be a part of the 38th Black April Commemoration – Remembering The Fall of Saigon that took place back at the end of April. The event was hosted by the Vietnamese American Roundtable organization at San Jose City Hall. This ceremony is an annual event in many Vietnamese and Vietnamese-American communities around the world, as it In holding the current Miss Ao Dai title with the Pageant, I was able to be even more engaged with the event itself as one of the community speakers. As a community speaker, I was tasked...
Chinese American Democratic Club’s 55th Annual Dinner
Photos courtesy of Kimmy Huynh. In the heart of San Francisco’s Chinatown and on the fifth floor of Empress of China Restaurant with spectacular views of downtown, this year’s 2013 Court gathered together to help Chinese American Democratic Club with its 55th Annual Dinner. CADC is the oldest Chinese American political club in the United States. The organization aims to develop meaningful political awareness within the Chinese American community, foster active participation in the democratic process of government, encourage Chinese candidates to run for elective office, and advocate issues relevant to the empowerment and civil rights of Chinese Americans. This...
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