August Community Service – Veggielution

photocrati galleryWritten by: Savannah Pham, 1st Princess 2016

On Saturday, August 6th, Quan, Alex, and I had the pleasure of volunteering our time at Veggielution, located in San Jose. Veggielution is a six-acre community farm that provides a unique opportunity for volunteers like ourselves to learn about growing food. As a community farm, the organization distributes its crops at low costs or free to the community. Veggielution is very conscious about its impact on the community and distributes its crops through a myriad of ways such as their Farm Stand, volunteer give-aways, and soup kitchen donations.

That morning Quan, Alex, and I started off with a new volunteer orientation where one of the interns showed us Veggielution (which includes a kitchen where they hosted cooking lessons, a youth garden, a hen house, and anĀ orchard). The three of us were then assigned to work at the fruit orchard with other volunteers. They were in the process of re-mulching the trees, so we had the opportunity to learn about proper nutrition for soil in order to get the best results. This process of mulching includes cutting up donated cardboard and placing them around the bases of the trees at a certain distance. Then, we shoveled piles of woodchips and raked them on top of the cardboard. Volunteering with Veggielution was a wonderful opportunity for us to learn about how our food is grown while giving back to the community.

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